Hace 10 días lanzamos nuestra convocatoria para que un ganador se fuera a Outside Lands en San Francisco cortesía de Azul Centenario y Sopitas.com ¡es momento de conocer al indiscutible ganador!

Les pedimos que hicieran una historia usando el título de 20 canciones de cualquier banda que estuviera en el cartel del festival, y para esto primero tenían que cumplir con dos requisitos, seguir las cuentas de Twitter de @SopitasFM y @Azul_Centenario así como la cuenta de Facebook de esta última. Así como mandarnos un tuit con una foto de ustedes donde saliera algún disco o mercancía oficial de cualquier banda del line up. El concurso se cerró el pasado domingo a las 23:59 horas y después de revisar decenas de correos e historias entre toda la redacción de Sopitas.com les presentamos a los tres finalistas que lograron una mayor cantidad de votos:

Finalista 1: Alexis Pulido Martínez @planetbasket

Hi, Sopitas & Azul!!! “Somebody told me” that you have a contest, for the “Amazing” prize of two tickets for Outside Lands!! And the Only thing that I have to do it’s write a story… well let me tell you a story…My Story. Welcome to fabulous Las Vegas!!! (Ok, that’s a Brandon Flower’s song so it doesn’t count right?)…ok “Do Me a Favour” and forget that lame intro. Welcome to Tampico, Tamaulipas, my “Heartless” city, my city is full of “Bad News”, you know all that problem with the shootings and stuff like that. I’m gonna be honest, there’s “No Reason to Cry”, now the things are getting better but, “For Reasons Unknown”, there are no shows “Good Enough” for this town, we have to settle with Yuri or Alejandra Guzman on Mother’s Day or Arjona on Valentine’s. That’s depressing!!!! So that’s the main reason to tell you:  “LET’S GO” to Outside Lands! , give me the opportunity, for me and my best friend to go and see “Red Lights” to listen “Glamorous Indie Rock and Roll”, and even to get “Wasted” in San Francisco. “Let Me Go” please, “Even the Losers” (I’m an engineer level: Godinez) have a chance to win a contest and have a memory that will last “Forever”. I don’t know maybe others are funnier than me, but I wanna “Show you how” a Godinez can become a “Champion” and with a little of luck I can have the “Heart of a girl” and return home “Stronger”. “One minute more”… Thank you for read my story and with a little of your help I will sing strongly my favorite song Read my Mind at San Francisco, California.

Finalista 2: Franco Alberto Rodriguez Franco @francordz

Viernes en la noche y estoy listo para fiestear. Me pongo mis “Dancing Shoes” para enseñar mi “Fancy Footwork”. Me pongo un poco de “Tan Spray” para compensar “A Lack Of Color”. Aunque tenga “Crooked Teeth”, esta noche confío en mi suerte, después de todo, “God Loves Ugly”. Paso por mi amigo para ir al club “Where The White Boys Dance”. Cuando llego por él, se burla de mí por que me rasuré y me depilé. Me dice que parezco “Shaved Gorilla”. Le contesto que, por lo peludo, él parece “Man From Pakistan”.

Estamos listos para ir para la acción. Llegamos a la barra y empezamos a echar “Cheap Shots”. Nos tomamos tantos que esto ya parece “Irish Celebration” – [Creo que ya se me subió] – pienso. Veo hacia el otro lado de la barra y llama mi atención una chica con “Farrah Fawcett Hair”. Me acerco y le digo – “I Will Possess Your Heart” -. “The Woman With The Tattooed Hands”, al lado de ella, ríe y me contesta – “That’s Were You’re Wrong”, es mi novia -. Entiendo que no hay nada que hacer y voy en busca de alguien más. Me atrae una bailando en la pista y voy hacia ella. Empiezo a mover el “BomBom” cerca a ella y hace una mueca. Le digo – “How Come You Don’t Want Me” – mientras me da la espalda. “Grab Her!”  -se me ocurre-. Voltea rápidamente y dice – “Hey Asshole!” -. Me da una “Chun-Li’s Spinning Bird Kick” y yo “Free Fallin’” consciente.

Finalista 3: Adolfo Enrique García Chávez @pachgarch

“Fake Tales of San Francisco” The first time I travel to San Francisco it was for a show of my favourite band and I fell in love with the girl of my dreams, I must warn you, this is a story of “A Certain Romance”. My favourite band and the girl of my dreams, Idealistic, don’t you think? Let’s get to it, there I was, alone in a city that changes drastically “When the sun goes down” and I’ve never been before, heading to the show. As I got closer to that place I could see the lights of the club getting bigger and bigger and I read “Mad Sounds” on the top of the “Old yellow bricks” that served as facade. On the inside the place was not that full, you could easily walk trough the crowd, but it was filled with cigarette smoke.

I went directly to the bar and ask for a beer, I took a good look at the place, and that’s when it happened, I was absorbed as soon as I laid eyes on her beautiful blond hair, long legs and perfect smile, dancing and glazing in front of me, you could easily tell “She’s thunderstorms”. I can’t tell if she was looking at me too, but all of a sudden she started walking towards me, I was nervous, so I couldn’t move. Then she was there, standing in front of me, face to face and she comes closer and whispered to my ear “You probably couldn’t see for the lights but you were starting straight at me” A “Brainstorm” shock my head and I couldn’t say anything clever, so I said the stupidest thing I could possibly say: “I bet you good look on the dance floor” She laugh of course, but take me by the hand and drag me to the dance floor. She said her name was “Arabella” and asked for my name and where I was from, I told her, I am Pach from Mexico City. She laughed again and this time she just said “Dance little liar”.

What happened next It couldn’t be described by words. I felt like a “Fluorescent adolescent” who just got kissed for the first time by his school crush. The show was over and I remember saying: ‘I don’t own a car, but I can “Still take you home”’ and she agreed. I took her to her apartment, the number “505” of an old building just a few blocks from the club. She invite me in, saying she’s got a “Secret Door” to her bedroom because and I quote: “This house is a circus” she said.I were only for two days in town so if I wanted to see her again it had to be the very day after, so I call her, she didn’t answer, she gave me the wrong number? I never knew, so I fixed a “Reckless serenade” with a guitar a borrowed from an old man on the street and headed to the 505 of that old building. When I got there I started to knock a few times and even before somebody answers I started playing the saddest song I knew. Some girl answer the door, she was searing a t-shirt with the words “Suck it and see” on it, definitely not her. I asked her if Arabella was around. She told me nobody named like that lived there and she didn’t knew her. All I could say was “Do me a favour” if she comes back some day just give her this” and I wrote a note: “R u mine?” 5512893400 I’m expecting her call till today. Of course this is a fake tale of San Francisco because I’ve never been in San Francisco, hoping this short story takes me there.

Y el gran ganador eeeees:

¡Franco Alberto Rodríguez! Feeeeelicidadeeeeees


Te vas con un acompañante a Outside Lands 2014. Gracias a todos los que participaron por habernos mandado sus historias. Y ahora estén al pendiente porque les traeremos todos los detalles del festival en nuestra cobertura.

Todo lo que no sabías que necesitas saber lo encuentras en Sopitas.com

Fundé Sopitas como hobby y terminó siendo el trabajo de mis sueños. Emprendedor, amante de la música, los deportes, la comida y tecnología. También comparto rolas, noticias y chisma en programas...
