Anoche se confirmó uno de nuestros peores miedos, y es que Donald Trump venció a Hillary Clinton en las elecciones para convertirse en el presidente número 45 de los Estados Unidos, algo que ha hecho temblar al mundo entero y la música no ha sido la excepción.

Thom Yorke, Mac Demarco, Flying Lotus, Diplo, Lady Gaga, Janelle Monáe, win Butler de Arcade Fire, Disclosure, Best Coast, De La Soul, Mitski, Neon Indian, Macklemore y hasta Mick Jagger, emitieron su opinión en redes sociales, todos ellos mostrando su descontento por Trump, reacciones que les compartimos a continuación.

“Amor y paz a los desesperanzados hoy”.

“Los siguientes cuatro años van a ser un loop infinito de la dinastía del pato”

“Estoy viendo las noticias.. tal vez me pidan que cante “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” (No siempre puedes tener lo que quieras) en la inauguración, ha!”

“Evitatodo contacto visualpara no reaccionara los mensajesesto es un vuelo de pánico menor atacandoconlacanción de seismonedasqueva”.

“Una vez más Estados Unidos le ha fallado a las mujeres, musulmanes, inmigrantes a la comunidad LGBTQ, es muy repugnante”.

“Lo dijimos antes y lo decimos ahora. Nos vamos a Marte con Bowie”.

“Como alguien que llegó de forma ilegal a los Estados Unidos y obtuvo la ciudadanía a lo largo de una década, se siente como el fin del sueño americano”.

“Ya saben que Kanye será el siguiente presidente. Verán a todos los tipos de votantes que ni siquiera sabían que existían. Todos jodidos pero vistiendo supreme”.

🇺🇸❤️I want to live in a #CountryOfKindness #LoveTrumpsHate He divided us so carelessly. Let’s take care now of each other.

Una foto publicada por #VoteHillary (@ladygaga) el


Mac DeMarco hasta les propone matrimonio para que se vayan a vivir a Canadá


Trying to move to #Canada?

Una foto publicada por @macdemarco el


Mientras Best Coast se echó unas lágrimas de cocodrilo.


I am disappointed, shocked and shaken at my core by what has transpired tonight. I gathered around the TV with my family and loved ones, ready to celebrate history being made. My daughter had this little blue dress on. I was ready to pop the Martinelli’s and hold her, watching Hilary Clinton become the first female president of the United States of America. But…It didn’t happen. I had a sick feeling in my gut, riddled with anxiety as the polls started coming in. After hours of a growing pit in my stomach, it was over. I left the TV, grabbed my daughter and took her to bed. But now, as I’m laying next to my her as she sleeps, I remember. Remember what I have control over and what I don’t. I don’t have control over Donald Trump becoming president. That has been decided. But what I do have control over is where I go from here. I will teach my daughter to love. All people, regardless of the color of their skin, gender, religious beliefs, sexual orientation or where their birth certificate says they’re from. I will teach her how important it is to be an advocate for humanity. Not just the portion of humanity that benefits her. I will teach her non violent communication. That in the face of hatred we must love each other even harder. Not give in. Not get discouraged or feel like our progress in the past is void. Keeping fighting for all of us, with an emphasis on those that and have been the most affected by systemic oppression. I will teach her that when she is silent during moments of injustice, she is siding with the oppressor. I will teach her that walls divide people, and by their nature cannot bring us closer. And that just because someone holds the most powerful position in the world, does not make that person right, just or fair. Donald Trump is not raising my daughter. I am. I get to encourage and nurture her to be who she wants to be. Teach her that her voice and actions can change the world. Teach her that she can do anything that a man can do. And one day, even become president of the United States of America. I have work to do. It starts now. And that work is the only thing bringing me peace at the moment

Una foto publicada por Ben Haggerty (@macklemore) el

Foto: Getty Images

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