¡Lunes, inicio de semana y las ganas infames de comernos al mundo! ¿Hace falta algo más? Sí, un poco de música, inspiración y GIRL POWER! cortesía de Dream Wife.
Brighton, Londres y Reykjavik unidas en una banda de chicas, quienes tomaron su nombre de la película protagonizada por Cary Grant y Deborah Kerr en la década de los cincuenta, Dream Wife, aunque musicalmente podríamos decir que suenan a una interesante mezcla de rock, indie y new rave.
Si tuviéramos que ponerles nombres, imaginen que suenan a cuando Sleater-Kinney, Debbie Harry y los Klaxons coinciden en un cuarto de estudio. ¿No me creen? Disfruten de Fire ¡y a iniciar la semana con todo!
I wasn’t always your future
I wasn’t always your man
Those who are left behind us
I guess they’ll make it the best they can
I’m moving closer to you
You have a lot to say
Your accent is changing, your words rearranging
You don’t sound the same
I remember last night there was a fire
I remember last night there was a fire
We danced, and we screamed, and we held each other tight
I remember, I remember last night
I only just met you under the table
You have a lot to say
Your lips are moving the way that I move mine
I wonder if you’ll stay
I wasn’t always your future
I wasn’t always your man
I wasn’t always your future
But I guess we’ll make it the best we can
I remember last night there was a fire
I remember last night there was a fire
We danced, and we screamed, and we held each other tight
I remember, I remember last night
I remember last night there was a fire
I remember last night there was a fire
We danced, and we screamed, and we held each other tight
I remember, I remember last night
There was a fire
There was a fire
There was a fire
There was a fire