Nubes en forma de borreguitos, piedras en formas de corazón; no importa la edad que tengas, nuestra vista e imaginación siempre se las arreglarán para encontrar figuras familiares en los objetos más abstractos de nuestra cotidianidad.
Desgraciadamente, no vivimos en un mundo perfecto, ni mucho menos cursi donde todo es borregos y corazones; no. Vivimos en un mundo lleno también de objetos fálicos, y no es que uno sea un pervertido ni que ande pensando con la mente cochambrosa, no, la realidad es cruda y no hay mejor testimonio que el que recoge @thatlookslikeadick en Instagram, que nos muestra los objetos fálicos escondidos en nuestra vida diaria. ¡Provecho!
After reading DoubleDickDude’s AMA, China has decided to construct yet another dong tower. I’ll be impressed when they put a fountain on top. Submitted by @williamsellari & @kotaku A photo posted by thatlookslikeadick (@thatlookslikeadick) on
Phineas, the railroad foreman, just wasn’t himself that night. Submitted by @thoughton325 A photo posted by thatlookslikeadick (@thatlookslikeadick) on
Instagram took down my last photo for looking a lil too phallic– it was a slice of watermelon. I’ll post it to the website this weekend but in the meantime here’s a classic from my Netscape days. #winning A photo posted by thatlookslikeadick (@thatlookslikeadick) on
GURL– you got a penis on your patella! Submitted by @heysh, heather and numerous others. #wee #knee A photo posted by thatlookslikeadick (@thatlookslikeadick) on